Food & Wine
Shopping bags for food & wine bags
If you are wondering about the way to give a special visibility to your commercial activity, we've got the right solution for you!
We are specialists in producing customized shopping bags for the food sector: from delicatessen to gourmet shops, from ice-cream shops to bakeries, from shops selling typical products to special food shops, from wineries to wine bars.
Shopping bags for food are a further three-dimensional window for your products, exactly for this reason we have developed several models which can be totally customized: ergonomic design, reinforced structure and different sizes useful to all your necessities.
Food bags are the right example, they have a large base, right to contain many things, easy to use and resistant, they can be equipped with several handles types, flat tape or twisted, till reaching special models produced with totally new tactile materials, like Corky, which can be even more precious through contrast print finishings.
Thanks to our constant investments in research and development we can produce the right product for you and build up a proper coordinated packaging line: boxes with magnet closure, pochettes and bags with totally new and eco friendly materials.
Shopping bags for wine
In a market particularly focused on the esthetic and on the innovation, just the best quality to represent your products: we produce bags with modern and elegant design, which can be totally customized, for a high identity packaging, which will bring an added value to your brand. We offer a wide range of models among those to choose, everyone with different characteristics: from the "Green" bag to the city one, from the sophisticated to the minimal and economic one. Our customer service will support and help you during every step, from the very beginning to the final buying.
A lot of wine bars, wineries, wine and food shops have already chosen our bags for the wine sector, for the quality and efficient service.
The best shopping bags for food and wine are waiting for you, contact us to give a new strength to your packaging.