Paper and plastic carrier bags outlet
In this section you will find numerous discontinued bargain items ready to be delivered. Paper and plastic carrier bags, envelopes, generic boxes and bottle holders, generic and Christmas pouches, reusable bags for shops, restaurants, wine bars, perfumeries and many other businesses.
You can choose from different designs, materials, colours and sizes. You will find different lines with minimalist products such as traditional Kraft paper bags in many colours and sizes, very glamorous reusable shopping bags, patterned pouches, fully sewn and glue-free elegant bags, plastic bags, luxury bags in exquisite materials, boxes with refined appeal, an endless number of packaging to meet every need and make the packaging of your product more attractive and practical.
Discover all our featured products; paper and plastic envelopes in different colours, but also with graphic designs and textures that follow the seasons, metallic pouches for gifts, Christmas paper or plastic carrier bags, spring floral bags.
One section is dedicated to the food and wine sector: wide-bottom bags ideal for take away and delivery services. The most elegant and refined models are structured with high quality turnovers and finishes such as gold, tape or cord handles. Let our outlet tempt you into finding a new packaging for your products. High-quality inexpensive carrier bags, an opportunity not to be missed!