Arts & Culture
Shopping bags for museums, exhibitions, stagings and not only
In the art, museums, meetings, cultural events and exhibitions world it is fundamental to propose a kind of memory about the visit to extend the visitor's experience. The customized shopping bag is the item with the highest level of checks during its life and it is the instrument which moves more your own image. The shopping bag needs to be totally customized in order to promote in the best way the theme event. Quality is fundamental, but even originality plays an important role to create a real art shopping bag, a masterpiece that will be re-used for being so unique. Our customer service will follow you step by step to choose the product which suits you better, passing through the model and material type. You will choose from a wide catalog of paper types and alternative materials, such as the Jacron and Street line, this last characterized by a kind of leather surface. Street line comes out from the necessity of re-use leather fibers wastes, treating them with a kind of process similar to that used for paper, giving it a second life. This product has been thought and studied following circular economy thought and it is the right choice for those who want to distinguish themselves.
If you want to put the accent on sustainability, we will guide you through our green products, as for example cucita bag, sewed with cotton thread, without glue, our FSC® certified papers, coming from right handled forests, our water color range or the bags made of grass paper, a material which is the result of the match between pure cellulose and dried grass.
Not only shopping bags, but also bags with adhesive flap, together with a pochettes line, a really unique must have accessory. a high character product, even for the print type. Thanks to digital print we start from low quantities, to give you the possibility to print the same product with different designs, creating in this way real pochettes "Collections". Contact us to have an offer or just for suggestions to create your own art bag.