Who are you? Tell yourself.

My name is Anna and I am 19. I am a ballet dancer. I started dancing when I was four at “Studio Danza”, a local ballet school. I moved to Milan when I started secondary school and stayed there for five years. I attended a dance academy, the “Ukrainian Ballet Academy” and in my last year I auditioned for a Russian ballet company and I was accepted. This world tour I’m doing at the moment has taken me to Australia and New Zealand, where I am at the moment; it will also take me to Cyprus and then to Spain for two months. Dancing is my greatest passion but I love art in general: I enjoy going to art museums, to the cinema… I love art in all its forms. I also love being outdoors and spending time with my family, my friends, but above all I love travelling. This job I managed to get allows me to travel around the world and explore new places, which is one of the things I love most, together with dancing. At the moment, I am able to do and enjoy both.

Why did you choose this word to represent yourself?

I chose the word freedom to represent myself because “free” is what I feel myself to be and what I want to continue to be in my life. Dancing is the simplest way I use to express what I feel and to externalise the world within me, to free myself from all those fears and insecurities that oppress and crush me. Through dance, I am able to free myself and let off steam. I think that dancers speak through the bodys, and our movements can convey a message much better than words. When there are no more words left, movement can continue to express what we have inside. I believe that through dancing the body is no longer a barrier or a limitation, but becomes one with the mind, which I reckon is the greatest freedom of all. We can express with our movements and our body all that we can imagine. We must strive to transmit everything we have to the public: we must excite and make people feel all the emotions that we experience every day; we must make the audience rejoice but also suffer; we must make it feel real pain. Besides technique, this is most important quality for a dancer. “Freedom” is my word also because I am seeing many magnificent, incredible places that I would never have imagined being able to visit one day, such as Australia and New Zealand. I feel really free. Every day I have adventures and try something new. My life is definitely not at all monotonous; neither am I stuck in a rut, which is something I’ve always disliked! I feel free also in this respect, now.

To get to where you are, you had to strongly believe in yourself, in your idea, in your project: do you therefore think that believing in something with conviction always makes it possible?

Surely, to get where I am now I had to strongly believe in myself and in my goal. We always hear that we shouldn’t listen to what other people say, that we should follow our own path: this is a very important truth, which we should all keep in mind. People have often questioned what I am doing, asked me whether I am convinced of my choices: I have known that I want to dance since the very moment I set foot in a dance studio. I never took any notice of what other people had to say, I never questioned what I felt inside, I worked hard on myself. For this reason, I feel that believing in ourselves is extremely important, because no one else will do it for us. Of course, success is something ephemeral, you also need a bit of luck, you have to seize the moment, and so on. But giving it all you have, making sacrifices, being committed to your dream comes before anything else.

Your area of origin is full of inventors, entrepreneurs, artists, writers and sportsmen who, with talent and stubbornness, dedicate every day of their lives to putting into practice what they believe in to make their dreams come true, overcoming their limits. What has the territory you come from transmitted to you? And how do you feel about it?

The country and even more the region I come from are of critical importance for me as a person. I am very patriotic and feel a very strong bond with my land: now that I am abroad, I miss Italy a lot; I miss the food, the people… I think that Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, my region in particular: before me, there have been many important people who have brought the name of our area to the top. So, yes, I’m emotionally attached to it. Then of course my family has given me strong principles, such as working hard and committing to what you do every day to make your dreams come true. My family has always supported me, right from the very beginning.I also feel a very bond with my family: I am very close not only to my parents but also to my grandparents; they have always supported me, and I am incredibly grateful because without them, without my parents, nothing would have been possible.

Are you aware that yours is an “EXTRAordinary” story? And what do you think makes it truly “EXTRAordinary”?

I know my story is extraordinary, and I think that what makes it so is the passion and love for what I do. My determination to pursue this goal has also been of fundamental importance to overcome the numerous hurdles I have found along the way, and I have often wondered whether I really wanted to do this. I’ve always felt inside me that this was what I wanted to do, it has always been my dream, but the road, especially in the Academy, was hard: there were tears, and the teachers were strict, but in the end all the hard work has paid off. Now I am very happy, and looking back, I can say that I have managed to overcome all the obstacles that I found on my way and that I am where I wanted to be. Clearly, there is still a lot to do, a lot of work to be done; I am not satisfied because you can always do better. I want to make my story even more extraordinary; I want to continue to strive for what I have managed to accomplish so far, of which I am very proud, but I want to continue and achieve even higher goals..

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GPS S.p.A.
Politica per la protezione dei dati personali
ai sensi dell’articolo 13 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679


Ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 (di seguito “Regolamento”), questa pagina descrive le modalità di trattamento dei dati personali degli utenti che consultano il/i sito/i web accessibile/i per via telematica al seguente indirizzo:

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GPS S.p.A., in materia di protezione dei dati personali, fa propri nella sua attività questi principi e finalità:

  • i dati personali sono trattati in modo lecito, corretto e trasparente nei confronti dell’interessato (Liceità correttezza e trasparenza)
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Possono essere destinatari dei dati raccolti a seguito della consultazione dei siti sopra elencati i soggetti designati, ai sensi dell’articolo 28 del Regolamento, quali responsabili del trattamento, per lo svolgimento dei servizi di sviluppo, erogazione e gestione operativa delle piattaforme tecnologiche impiegate.

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Gli interessati hanno il diritto di ottenere, nei casi previsti, l’accesso ai dati personali e la rettifica o la cancellazione degli stessi o la limitazione del trattamento che li riguarda o di opporsi al trattamento (artt. 15 e ss. del Regolamento). L’apposita istanza può essere presentata ai contatti in precedenza indicati


Gli interessati che ritengono che il trattamento dei dati personali a loro riferiti effettuato attraverso questo sito avvenga in violazione di quanto previsto dal Regolamento hanno il diritto di proporre reclamo al Garante, come previsto dall’art. 77 del Regolamento stesso, o di adire le opportune sedi giudiziarie (art. 79 del Regolamento).


GPS S.p.A. nel rispetto dei sopraindicati principi persegue l’obiettivo del miglioramento continuo della tutela dei dati personali mediante:

  • l’adozione di un adeguato sistema documentale
  • l’identificazione di incaricati e responsabili dotati di adeguati requisiti per garantire il corretto funzionamento del sistema di gestione privacy;
  • l’adozione di misure di sicurezza idonee a prevenire e ridurre al minimo i rischi inerenti il trattamento di dati personali;
  • l’adozione delle migliori tecniche disponibili ed economicamente sostenibili per limitare i danni in caso di incidenti o eventi negativi in materia di trattamento di dati personali;
  • l’adozione di opportuni criteri e modalità di ripristino dei dati in caso di danneggiamento e perdita accidentale.
  • sensibilizzare dipendenti, fornitori, clienti, soci su obiettivi e impegni assunti in materia di protezione dei dati personali;
  • motivare e coinvolgere il personale dipendente affinché vengano raggiunti gli obiettivi prefissati e sviluppato, ad ogni livello, il senso di responsabilità verso la tutela dei dati personali e la sicurezza delle informazioni;
  • formare informare ad un lecito e corretto trattamento dei dati personali e sicurezza delle informazioni;
  • promuovere il dialogo e il confronto con tutti i portatori d’interesse, tenendo conto delle loro istanze, in materia di trattamento di dati personali, in coerenza con gli strumenti di partecipazione e comunicazione adottati GPS S.p.A..

Verranno riesaminati periodicamente la politica e gli obiettivi allo scopo di ottenere un miglioramento continuo della tutela dei dati personali.

Schio, lì 22 aprile 2020


Paid-in Capital: Eur 5.200.000 fully paid-in
Registered Office: Via Campania, 16 ZI – 36015 Schio (VI) -Italy
Administrative Office: Via Campania, 16 ZI – 36015 Schio (VI) -Italy Vicenza 131959